
The COVID-19 Public Experiences (COPE) Study: March 2022 Update 

It’s hard to believe that we are now two years on from the start of the pandemic and the launch of our first COPE survey.

We’re now embarking on our 2-year follow-up survey and are looking forward to learning about how our cohort are feeling and what they are doing at this point in the pandemic. We would like to thank everyone who has taken part and has shared their experiences with us over the course of the pandemic.

In this wave of the survey, we are focusing on what people are doing now (if anything) to reduce the spread of COVID-19, how people feel about vaccinations against COVID-19, how the pandemic has affected leisure time activities, and experiences of using NHS services over the last six months. 

Since our last survey in November 2021, we have been busy analysing data and making sure that we highlight key issues that you have told us about with policymakers and healthcare providers.

You can get free access to the full reports on key topics here:

We have several more pieces of analysis underway, including understanding:

  • Changes in people’s concerns over the course of the pandemic
  • Patient experiences of using NHS services during lockdown
  • Patient safety concerns reported during the pandemic
  • Changes in leisure time use and the impact of this on well-being
  • Changes in diet and well-being following long-term loss of taste of smell as a result of COVID-19

We will update you on our findings as soon as they are available.

Please do get in touch with our team if you have any questions or would like further information on the study:

The COVID-19 UK Public Experiences (COPE) Study: March 2021 Update

8 March 2021

The COPE study is amongst the largest COVID-19 social science studies in the UK. We are looking at people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions during the pandemic. This will help us to understand the impact that the pandemic is having on people’s lives in detail, and how people have been managing during lockdown periods.

  • 11,113 people took part in our first survey during March and April 2020
  • 7,048 of these people took part in our second survey during June and July 2020
  • 8,727 people who took part in COPE came to us via HealthWise Wales, and 4,683 of these respondents have consented to have their COPE survey data anonymously linked with their HealthWise Wales and routine healthcare data
  • On the 12th of March 2021, we will be launching our third survey, exactly 12 months on from our first survey.
  • 28 people have been taking part in in-depth interviews about their experiences over the course of the year. We are looking forward to talking to them again this month.

Findings from our June/July 2020 survey

  • 1 out of 6 people were reporting symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • 6 out of 10 people felt that the impact of social isolation on their mental health made it difficult for them to follow government guidelines
  • 9 out of 10 people felt that missing their family, friends, or partner influenced their ability to follow government guidelines, but the risk of harm to loved ones from COVID-19 was a common concern and was a strong motivation for follow social distancing rules
  • The first UK lockdown period had an impact on the way people live their lives, with 2 in 100 smoking more often, 20 in 100 drinking alcohol more often, 20 in 100 eating healthily less often, and 30 in 100 exercising less often than before the pandemic

What next? We will be looking at a whole range of issues, including:

  1. What has happened to people’s health and well-being over the last year?
  2. Have our attitudes towards COVID-19 changed over the last 12 months?
  3. What do people think about vaccinations against COVID-19
  4. What do people think about how and when we might return to ‘normal life’?

For project updates, visit:, Twitter @COVID19publics1 or our Facebook page @COVID19publicexperiencesUK.


14 September 2020

Stemming the tide of COVID-19 – insights from early research in the UK. We are hosting a webinar on the 30th of September to share some of our early COPE Cymru findings as well as to hear from other prominent researchers about their work on COVID 19. Please follow link for more information and to register your place. We look forward to seeing you then.

Register here:

Three- month survey

7 September 2020

Our three-month follow-up survey is now closed. A huge thank you to all of you for taking part, sharing, and supporting. We'll be cracking on with analysis and sharing findings as soon as possible. Three-month follow up interviews will be conducted October-November 2020.

Baseline interviews

2 September 2020

Our baseline interviews are now complete, a huge thank you to the 27 individuals who took part. We are now busy analysing the data.

Baseline survey closed

April 15, 2020

Our baseline survey is now closed. 11,355 people took part between the 13.3.20 and 14.4.20. A huge thank you to all of you for taking part, sharing, and supporting. We'll be cracking on with analysis and sharing findings as soon as possible. Interviews & follow-up survey coming soon.

Survey Open

March 13, 2020

Our online survey is now live: UK public experiences during the coronavirus COVID19 pandemic. Please take a look and share ?:… #coronavirus #COVID19

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